Submit a Prayer Request

Request a free, personal prayer request today. Do you need me to stand with you in prayer about something urgent? Do you need a miraculous healing touch from the Lord or a breakthrough in your finances?

The Bible promises that fervent and faithful prayer works. I have seen this work countless times as I prayed for people all over the world. God is no respecter of persons. If you have a need, there is a faithful God who hears and answers faith-filled prayers.

Take a brief moment to fill out the form and submit it online. When you hit the submit button, your request is sent to my team immediately and discreetly at no cost to you. All information is kept ANONYMOUS and is NEVER SHARED. Your submission will receive my team’s immediate attention.

God bless you abundantly.

Your brother in Christ,

Daniel (Prayer Warrior & Founder)

Prayer Request Form

Please fill out the form below (submissions are kept private).