California Contractor Written Contract Requirement

The California contractor written contract requirement refers to the written agreement that must be in place for a contractor to legally work in the home improvement industry. This requirement applies to contractors working both full-time and part-time, as well as to contractors who are working on swimming pools.

What is a Home Improvement Contract?

The term “home improvement" refers to working on a residential property, including:

Home improvement includes any of these actions on swimming pools, hot tubs, spas, awnings, driveways, terraces, garages, basements, patios, fallout shelters, storm windows, porches, fences, landscaping, and other land or structure that is part of or adjacent to a home for dwelling.

A contract for home improvement tasks is an oral or written agreement between a property owner, or tenant and a contractor. When the agreement is written, it must be included in at least one document. If the work will be done on a multi-family dwelling, the agreement must include what units will be included in the work. Under California Section 7151, home improvement contracts are defined and include all materials, services, and labor that will be performed and furnished under the agreement.

A home improvement contract can also be a written or oral agreement between a property owner or tenant and a salesperson, even if that salesperson isn't licensed to perform home improvement tasks. This agreement can exist between property owners and/or tenants, regardless of how many units are contained in the structure. The agreement may include details about the terms of the furnishing, installation, or sale of home improvement services or goods.

The law around home improvement agreements in California exists to protect property owners from dishonest or untrustworthy contractors, but one of the results of the existence of this law is often more complex contracts that are hard to understand. If you plan to enter into a home improvement contractor, you may wish to consult with a lawyer who has experience with home improvement agreements. An attorney can research the history of the contractor you plan to work with the state licensing board, go through the details of the contract, and make sure you fully understand your rights and responsibilities of the agreement. It is important to consult with a lawyer before you make a commitment to any contractor by signing the agreement.

Required Contract Provisions for Construction Contracts in California

Under the California Business and Profession Code, section 7159, you'll find the statute that manages all home improvement contract requirements in the state.

All home improvement contracts for work being done in California should include several key statements:

Make sure a contract also includes several required subheadings:

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